Questions and answers about grants, donations, and ways to get involved.


Q: Who can receive a grant from REALTORS® Relief Foundation?

Eligible grant applicants include state and local REALTOR® associations, as well as an Institute, Society or Council (ISCs) of the National Association of REALTORS® that is spearheading a particular relief effort. Grant requests are not accepted from individuals.

Q: What is the primary requirement for grant eligibility?

In order to apply for a grant from REALTORS® Relief Foundation, the request must be for an emergency that has been declared as a major disaster by the affected city, county/parish, state or federal governing agency.

Q: What is a disaster declaration?

The disaster declaration is a formal statement by a jurisdiction that a disaster or emergency exceeds their response and/or recovery capabilities.

Q: Who can make a disaster declaration?

Federal disaster declarations are made by the president of the United States, usually at the request of the governor of the state affected. State declarations are made by the governor of the stated affected. Local disaster declarations are made by the chief local elected official in a city or county.

Q: How do grant funds get to individuals and families impacted by a disaster?

RRF generally distributes grant funding to the state or local associations own 501(c)(3) charitable organization, who then promotes, receives and reviews applications from individuals impacted and utilizes their REALTOR® network to distribute funds where needed. In cases where the state or local association does not have their own 501(c)(3) organization, RRF will consider distribution to a 501(c)(3) charitable organization that is working in conjunction with the applying state or local REALTOR® association (subject to a written agreement by the organization to distribute the RRF grant funding in accordance with the allowable uses and restrictions set forth by the RRF). If either option above is not available, RRF will work with the state or local REALTOR® association to assist in the grant distribution process.

Q: How much can a state or local association apply for?

All grants are contingent upon the availability of funds. The amount of the request depends on several factors relating to the disaster (extent of the disaster, impact on individuals and community(ies), number of people impacted). RRF will work with the state or local association to determine the need.

Q: Can individuals apply directly to RRF for grant funds?

No. All requests must be made through a state or local REALTOR® association or an Institute, Society or Council (ISCs) of the National Association of REALTORS® that is spearheading a particular relief effort.

Q: What types of requests are NOT eligible for a grant?

Any request that is made for an event that has not been declared a disaster by the appropriate federal, state or local official is not eligible for grant funding.

Q: Why are smaller events not eligible for funding?

While it is certainly devastating when bad things happen to good people, the REALTORS® Relief Foundation was established to provide housing-related support after a disaster. One of the primary purposes of RRF is to bring together REALTORS®, as well as state and local associations, so that we can multiply the impact of donors to address some of the most catastrophic disasters faced across the country. The unfortunate reality is that the need from disasters is growing, and funding is limited. For this reason, when tragedies happen outside of that scope, we are hopeful that state and local association foundations, along with the REALTOR® community, will help to fill the need – knowing that RRF is ready to provide support when larger disasters happen.

Q: Do I need to be a donor to REALTORS® Relief Foundation to be considered for a grant?

No. REALTORS® Relief Foundation exists to provide housing-related support that works through our state and local association partners. Past financial support to RRF is not required to receive grant support. 


Q: How much of my donation goes directly to support relief efforts?
100% of your gift to REALTORS® Relief Foundation goes directly to victims of disasters. The National Association of REALTORS® is pleased to cover 100% of administrative expenses.

Q: Why does REALTORS® Relief Foundation proactively seek support from the REALTOR® community on an annual basis?
One thing that we know is that the number of disasters (floods, wildfires, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and more) seems to be growing. When a disaster strikes, RRF does not want to be in a position to have to say no. By providing annual support to REALTORS® Relief Foundation, state and local associations, corporate partners and individual donors are helping RRF to be able to say YES whenever a disaster impacts our REALTOR® communities. Your support is taking the lead before the need. 

Getting Involved

Q: How can I become actively involved in the work of REALTORS® Relief Foundation?

In addition to your financial support, RRF welcomes you to join our network of volunteers who serve as ambassadors for the RRF mission of providing housing-related support to victims of disasters. You can join our Campaign Committee and be a part of a team of caring and committed REALTORS® who meet regularly to increase participation and support. Contact RRF to learn more!



Thanks to the tremendous support of REALTORS® Relief Foundation donors, RRF continues to provide hope to families across the nation.

See Who’s Donated

REALTOR® RELIEF FOUNDATION – 2023 Campaign // Heroes for Hope

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National Association of REALTORS®

© 2024 National Association of REALTORS®. All Rights Reserved.